Nomisma Contributions


This is a partial list of 25 of 1129 IDs created or updated by this editor ( Download list):

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Label Spreadsheet Date
John IV Laskaris 14 June 2024
Theodore I Laskaris 14 June 2024
Theodore II Laskaris 14 June 2024
Empire of Nicaea 14 June 2024
Arta 14 June 2024
Gaius Gallonius Fronto 4 June 2024
Münzkabinett Berlin 3 June 2024
Akademisches Kunstmuseum Bonn 28 May 2024
Double Follis 22 May 2024
Dirham 22 May 2024
light Dinar 22 May 2024
18 solidi 22 May 2024
Theodora 21 May 2024
Phocas 21 May 2024
Mauricius Tiberius 21 May 2024
Salzburg Museum 15 May 2024
Römisch-Germanisches Museum Köln 14 May 2024
Römisch-Germanisches Museum Köln 14 May 2024
Salzburg Museum 8 May 2024
Gotfryd Majnert 7 May 2024
Gotfryd Majnert 7 May 2024
Józef Majnert 7 May 2024
Jan Nepomucen Langer 7 May 2024
Gotfryd Majnert 7 May 2024
Tournesion 6 May 2024