Seleucus VI Epiphanes (en), Séleucos VI (fr), Seleuco VI Epífanes (es), Seleuco VI (it), Seleukos VI. (de), Σέλευκος Στ' Επιφανής (el)Additional labels
سلوقس السادس (ar), Селеўк VI Епіфан Нікатар (be), Селевк VI Епифан (bg), Seleuc VI Epífanes (ca), Seleukos 6. af Seleukideriget (da), Seleuko VI.a Epifanes (eu), سلوکوس ششم (fa), Seleukos VI Epifanes (fi), VI. Szeleukosz szeleukida uralkodó (hu), Seleukos VI Epifanis (id), 셀레우코스 6세 (ko), Seleucus VI Epiphanes (la), Selevkos VI Epifanes (nb), Seleucus VI Epiphanes (nl), Seleukos VI Epifanes (pl), Seleuco VI Epifânio Nicator (pt), Селевк VI Эпифан Никатор (ru), Seleuk VI Epifan (sh), Селеук VI Епифан (sr), Seleukos VI (sv), Селевк VI Епіфан (uk), Seleukos VI Epiphanes (vi), 塞琉古六世 (zh)
Seleucus VI Epiphanes Nicator ("God Manifest, Victor") was the eighteenth king of the Seleucid Empire, ruling from 96 to 94
BC. In 96 BC, Seleucus VI defeated and killed his uncle, Antiochus IX, in battle, but managed to hold Antioch and Syria only
briefly before he was driven out by Antiochus X, the son of Antiochus IX, in the following year. Seleucus VI fled to Mopsuestia
where he attempted to raise a new army, but his financial exactions sparked rebellion in the city and he was burned alive
by the mob in 94 BC.