Hydra (Deity, Concept)

Canonical URI: http://nomisma.org/id/hydra


Preferred Label
Hydra (en), Hydre de Lerne (fr), Hidra de Lerna (es), Idra di Lerna (it), Hydra (de), Λερναία Ύδρα (el)Additional labels


The Lernaean Hydra or Hydra of Lerna, more often known simply as the Hydra, is a serpentine water monster in Greek and Roman mythology. Its lair was the lake of Lerna in the Argolid, which was also the site of the myth of the Danaïdes. Lerna was reputed to be an entrance to the Underworld, and archaeology has established it as a sacred site older than Mycenaean Argos. In the canonical Hydra myth, the monster is killed by Heracles (Hercules) as the second of his Twelve Labors.

Data Provenance
