Antiochus X Eusebes Philopator (Person, Concept)

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Preferred Label
Antiochus X Eusebes Philopator (en), Antiochos X (fr), Antíoco X Eusebio (es), Antioco X (it), Antiochos X. (de), Αντίοχος Ι' Ευσεβής (el)Additional labels
Alternate Label
Antiochus X of Syria (en)


Antiochus X Eusebes Philopator ("Pious, Father-loving") was the nineteenth king of the Seleucid Empire, reigning from c. 94 BC probably until c. 88 BC. Proclaiming himself king at Aradus, Antiochus X avenged his father, Antiochus IX, by driving Seleucus IV out of Syria in 94 BC. Antiochus X was almost immediately challenged by Seleucus' brother, Antiochus XI, but defeated him near Antioch. The subsequent history of his reign is obscure.

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