Antiochus VIII Grypus (Person, Concept)

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Preferred Label
Antiochus VIII Grypus (en), Antiochos VIII (fr), Antíoco VIII Grifo (es), Antioco VIII (it), Antiochos VIII. (de), Αντίοχος Η' Γρυπός (el)Additional labels
Alternate Label
Antiochus VIII Epiphanes (en)


Antiochus VIII Epiphanes ("God Manifest"), nicknamed Grypus ("Hook-nosed"), was the sixteenth king of the Seleucid Empire, ruling between 121/0 and 97/6 BC. The stability of the early years of his sole reign was shattered in 114/3 BC by the arrival of his half-brother, Antiochus IX, and the conflict that followed. Much territory and many cities frequently changed hands between the two until 109 BC, when Antiochus VIII had again regained much of his former possessions, leaving Antiochus IX only scattered cities. Antiochus VIII was assassinated by Heracleon, his war minister, in 96 BC, but his killer was no match for Antiochus IX, who briefly became sole ruler of the diminished Seleucid state.

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