Mithradates VI (Person, Concept)

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Mithradates VI (en), Mithridate VI (fr), Mitrídates VI (es), Mitridate VI del Ponto (it), Mithridates VI. (de), Μιθριδάτης ΣΤ΄ Ευπάτωρ (el)Additional labels
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Mithradates the Great (en)


As son of Mithradates V and Laodice VI he was born c. 134 BC in Sinope. From c. 120 until his death in 63 BC he ruled the Pontic kingdom. Because of his growing influence in Asia Minor he came in conflict with Rome, and as a consequence the balance of power in the Eastern Mediterranean was newly defined by the three "Mithradatic wars". In the course of these wars he issued rich currency. Also he is attested as first magistrate in Athens in 87/86 BC, explicitly identified as the Pontic king by the addition ΒΑΣΙΛΕ(υς): See M. Thompson, The New Style Silver Coinage of Athens (1961) nos. 1143-1146 / her issue 76 (p. 575); C. Habicht, Zu den Münzmagistraten der Silberprägung des Neuen Stils, Chiron 21, 1991, pp. 6 and 12 (87/86 BC, his issue 78); Prosopographia Attica 10186 and 10187; W. Leschhorn, Lexikon der Aufschriften auf griechischen Münzen II (2009) 687 s. v. Mithradates.

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