American Numismatic Society | MANTIS: A Numismatic Technologies Integration Service | American Numismatic Society | ODC-ODbL | 97655 | |
SITNAM | A standalone numismatic database of Public Domain, Fair Use objects from private collections or archival auction catalogs published by the American Numismatic Society. | American Numismatic Society | ODC-ODbL | 36428 | |
Bibliothèque nationale de France, département Monnaies, médailles et antiques | The Bibliothèque nationale de France is the National Library of France, located in Paris. It is the national repository of all that is published in France. It holds one of the most significant numismatic collections. | Bibliothèque nationale de France |  | 40267 | |
CEAlex | Les monnaies des fouilles du Centre d'Études Alexandrines | CEAlex | ODC-ODbL | 55 | |
Corpus Nummorum Online | Corpus Nummorum Online is an open access numismatic web portal that aims to collect and present comprehensive regional datasets of Greek and Roman provincial coinage and offers a research tool for their processing and analysis. The material is arranged by regions and mints, as well as by chronology and types. At present, you can browse through and search for coins and coin types minted in Moesia Inferior, Thrace, Mysia, and the Troad. | Corpus Nummorum |  | 29360 | |
National Numismatic Collection, De Nederlandsche Bank, Amsterdam | Greek and Roman coins of National Numismatic Collection, De Nederlandsche Bank, Amsterdam. | De Nederlandsche Bank |  | 3865 | |
Fitzwilliam Museum | Roman Republican and Imperial coins from the Fitzwilliam Museum, University of Cambridge | Fitzwilliam Museum |  | 5337 | |
Furman University Libraries | Coin Collection | Furman University Libraries provides online access to more than 700 coins from their collection. The majority of the coins were created during the Roman Republic and Roman Empire. The collection also contains coins created in the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries. These coins are predominately from European kingdoms and Latin American mints. | Furman University Libraries | ODC-ODbL | 18 | |
Gallo-Roman Museum Tongeren | The Gallo-Roman Museum in Tongeren holds a collection of archaeological finds from northeastern Belgium, dating from prehistoric, Roman and early medieval times (up to 900 AD). Part of this collection are more than 7000 coins, mainly Roman coins found in Tongeren (the Roman town of Atuatuca Tungrorum) and to a lesser extent Celtic, Roman, Merovingian and Carolingian coins from the region. | Gallo-Roman Museum Tongeren | | 1062 | |
Harvard Art Museums | The Roman Republican, Imperial and Hellenistic Argead coinage (struck in the name of Alexander the Great and Philip III Arrhidaeus) in the Harvard Art Museums. | Harvard Art Museums | | 1986 | |
Das virtuelle Münzkabinett<br>des Herzog Anton Ulrich-Museums | The Herzog Anton Ulrich-Museum (Braunschweig, State of Lower Saxony, Germany) holds a collection of about 30.000 coins and medals, ranging from antiquity to the modern era. The collection was founded by the dukes of the house Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel with a focus on ancient coins as well as coins and medals of the Guelphs (particularly outstanding is the collection of Northern and Central German bracteates). In the 19th and 20th centuries the collection was expanded by the acquisition of important collections and treasure troves. Paul Jonas Meier bought a substantial collection of French and German Art Nouveau plaques and medals for the museum in the first quarter of the 20th century. Over the centuries, the coin cabinet came about to harbor a universal collection of German, European and non-European coins, among them ca 2.000 Greek and 2.500 Roman coins. | Herzog Anton Ulrich-Museum |  | 166 | |
University of Graz, Coin Collection | The Institute of Ancient History and Classical Antiquities
at the University of Graz houses a collection of nearly 4000 antique
coins. | Institut für Alte Geschichte und Altertumskunde,
Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz Institute of Ancient History and Classical Antiquities,
University of Graz |  | 2160 | |
The Fralin Museum of Art, U.Va. | The Fralin Museum of Art at the University of Virginia numismatic collection contains about 600 coins of mainly Greco-Roman origin. | Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanites | ODC-ODbL | 462 | |
FRC PL | FRC PL Finds of Roman Coins from Poland is a database of finds of Roman and Barbarian coins from the territory of Republic of Poland and lands historically
connected with Poland compiled by team of scholars from several Polish institution in the frames of project financed by Ministry of Science and Higher Education. | Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw | | 7192 | |
J. Paul Getty Museum | Graeco-Roman coins of the J. Paul Getty Museum. | J. Paul Getty Trust | | 533 | |
Das Digitale Münzkabinett der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz | In the Coin Collection of Johannes Gutenberg-University, there are collections of two institutions: The department of Ancient History and the Bischöfliches Dom- und Diözesanmuseum Mainz (episcopal museum). It consists of more than 1,000 coins, covering nearly the entire spectrum of ancient numismatics, from Archaic Greek to Late Antiquity and a few examples from the Byzantine period. The particular focus of the Mainz Coin Collection is on the 2nd to 4th century AD. All the coins are also in use for university teaching. | Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz |  | 831 | |
KENOM | KENOM (Kooperative Erschließung und Nutzung der Objektdaten von Münzsammlungen) is a long time project of different numismatic
collections in Germany to bring their numismatic objects (coins, medals, paper money and also coin find-informations) together online. There are a
common internal database of the project for the data input and a portal of presentation of qualified data and images. Goals of KENOM are the
harmonisation of numismatic data of the partners, the integration of open linked norm data and the definition and use of a LIDO-based data exchange
format. 2012-2015 the project was funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, now KENOM is operated jointly. The strong technical partner of the
project is the Gemeinsamer Bibliotheksverbund Göttingen. Today already 13 institutions present more than 33,000 numismatic objects together in the
portal <>. | KENOM |  | 10367 | |
Interaktiver Katalog des Münzkabinetts | The Münzkabinett of the Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien (Vienna in Austria) owns over half a million objects which make it one of the largest collections of its kind, and it can be traced back until the 16th century. It holds coins, medals and banknotes, but also coin dies, bonds and primitive money. Not only does the collection house unique rarities and priceless treasures, its abundance and completeness make it an essential tool for fundamental research in Numismatics and History. | KHM Wien |  | 13799 | |
Leeds University Library | The University of Leeds coin collection, held in the University Library Special Collections in the Brotherton Library, consists of
approximately 20,000 coins. While particularly strong in Roman coins, the collection also includes: Greek, East Asian, Medieval, and Modern
examples. | Leeds University Library |  | 61 | |
Interaktiver Katalog des Münzkabinetts | The coin collection of the Institute of Classical Archaeology at the University of Regensburg originates from the private collection of the engineer and architect Franz Langlotz (1876-1953). Due to his personal interest and passion he managed to collect many objects of ancient art – including Attic and southern Italian painted ceramics, 42 (mostly Roman) glass vessels, small bronze objects, Hellenistic terracotta statuettes – and 25 coins (mainly Roman denarii).
Born in Regensburg, Langlotz bequeathed half of this collection, including the coins, to his former school, the Humanistisches Gymnasium, now the Albertus-Magnus-Gymnasium. From 1991 to 1994, on the initiative of Prof Dr Dieter Salzmann, over 800 ancient coins were added, mainly as donations from various German auction houses and coin cabinets as well as permanent loans from the Historisches Museum Regensburg.
Designed as a study collection, it covers all the important historical regions and Roman provinces of the Mediterranean from the the Greek Archaic period to the Byzantine era. | MK Regensburg |  | 64 | |
Interaktiver Katalog des Münzkabinetts der Stadt Winterthur | The Münzkabinett Winterthur is a municipal museum for monetary history in the city of Winterthur, Switzerland. The beginnings of its collection date back to 1660. In the period from 1861 to 1920, Friedrich Imhoof-Blumer made a significant mark on the collection as curator, directing the focus of the Coin Cabinet towards Greek coinage. | MK Winterthur |  | 2866 | |
Museu de Prehistòria de València | The Museu de Prehistoria de Valencia holds a large collection of archaeological objects, most of them recovered in the valencian territory, located in the mediterranean coast of Spain. The numismatic collection contains about 25,000 coins and objets related with the history of money. | Museu de Prehistòria de València - Diputació de València |  | 5990 | |
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston | The Roman coins of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. | Museum of Fine Arts, Boston | | 1817 | |
Interaktiver Katalog des Münzkabinetts Berlin | The Münzkabinett of the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin is one of the largest Numismatic Collections in the world. The area covered by its holdings reaches from the beginning of coinage in the 7th century B.C. to 21st century Euros, its geographical scope from Finland to South Africa, from Berlin to Buenos Aires. In addition to more than 500,000 items (coins, medals, notes, tokens) the Cabinet also holds sealings, dies, and historical minting tools. The Numismatic Collection equally is maintaining its exhibitions duties and, being an archive of money, its role as a centre of numismatic research and study. | Münzkabinett Berlin |  | 15208 | |
Digitales Münzkabinett des<br> Akademischen Kunstmuseums der Universität Bonn | The University of Bonn was founded in 1818. Only one year later, the university bought the well known coin collection of Canonicus Franz Pick (1750-1819) in a public auction, held the 27th August 1819. The collection consisted of five gold, 500 silver and more than 2000 bronze coins. Over decades F. Pick had collected objects of art, especially antiques and Roman coins, coming from hoards in the north of Bonn, the region of the former roman legion camp. The first director of the "Akademisches Kunstmuseum" (AKM) of the university, F.G. Welcker, augmented the collection in the following decades, also by buying coins found in and around Bonn. Later coin hoards came to the "Museum Rheinscher Alterthümer", wich was established in 1822, the predecessor of the "Rheinsches Landesmuseum Bonn". The first catalogue of the coin collection of the "Akademisches Kunstmuseum", written in 1836, assembled, more than 6,000 coins. These coins are still the essential part of the actual coin collection of the AKM. This collection – together with Greek coins, donated in the beginning of the last century, und some new acqusitions – was taken 2010 in a digital database and is therefore now open for the students of the university as well as for extern visitors. | Münzkabinett Bonn |  | 1838 | |
Open Context | Roman Imperial coins from archaeological projects published by Open Context (presently the Domuztepe, Turkey excavations). | Open Context |  | 174 | |
ABC Exemplars | A temporary dataset of exemplar specimens related to Ancient British Coins. | Oxford University | Copyright Chris Rudd Ltd. | 964 | |
Celtic Coin Index | The Celtic Coin Index (CCI) is the premier collection of records on late Iron Age coins from Britain. The CCI was founded in 1961 by Derek Allen and Sheppard Frere at the School of Archaeology at Oxford, and the paper card index now holds nearly 85,000 records of around 68,000 specimens. | Oxford University | ODC-ODbL | 31836 | |
Das Digitale Münzkabinett<br>der Philipps-Universität Marburg | The collection of coins of the Archaeological Seminary of the Philipps-University Marburg comprises about 1,000 Greek and Roman coins. It is part of the Antikensammlung, which was founded in 1878 by Ludwig von Sybel (1846-1929), Professor of Classical Archeology. A special enrichment to the collection is the donation from 2017 by Hans-Werner Ritter of nearly 300 well-preserved coins from all eras and regions of Ancient Antiquity. | Philipps-Universität Marburg |  | 348 | |
Royal Library of Belgium | The Royal Library of Belgium is the national library of Belgium. The library has a history that goes back to the age of the Dukes of Burgundy. There are four million bound volumes in the Royal Library, including a rare book collection numbering 45,000 works. The library has more than 700,000 engravings and drawings, 150,000 maps and plans, and more than 250,000 objects, from coins to scales to monetary weights. | Royal Library of Belgium |  | 748 | |
Badian Collection | Since 2001, the Special Collections and Archives department of the Rutgers University Libraries has been the home to a significant Roman numismatic collection, the Ernst Badian Collection of Roman Republican Coins. This collection was created by the late Professor Ernst Badian (d. 2011), who donated it to Rutgers. The collection is composed at this time of more than 1200 coins, documenting the emergence of coinage and a money economy in Rome and developments down through the late Republic (280 to 31 B. C. E.). The collection begins with examples of cast bronze coinage, used in the earliest stages of monetization. | Rutgers University Libraries | Professor Corey Brennan of Rutgers University is Professor Badian's literary/academic executor, and it is with Professor Brennan's full consent that Rutgers University Libraries can use the Badian notes in the Roman Coins portal. | 1145 | |
AFE RGK Coinfinds | AFE-RGK: Antike Fundmünzen in Europa is a database of finds of ancient coins from the territory of the Federal Republic in Germany compiled by the Römisch-Germanische Kommission des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts in conjunction with the project „Corpus der römischen Funde im europäischen Barbaricum“. | Römisch Germanische Kommission (RGK) - Germany | | 1418 | |
Interaktiver Katalog der Münzsammlung des Römisch-Germanischen Museums Köln | The collection currently holds c. 1,150 coins, mainly of the Roman Imperial period (Republic 72, Principate 517, Late Antiquity 104), plus a number of Provincial issues of the Roman period (93), and some Celtic, Germanic, and other Greek coins. In 2008, 22 Late Roman coins and 285 Byzantine ones of the Krengel collection were purchased. | Römisch-Germanisches Museum |  | 266 | |
Smithsonian American Art Museum | The Smithsonian American Art Museum (commonly known as SAAM, and formerly the National Museum of American Art) is a museum in Washington, D.C., part of the Smithsonian Institution. Together with its branch museum, the Renwick Gallery, SAAM holds one of the world's largest and most inclusive collections of art, from the colonial period to the present, made in the United States. | Smithsonian Institution | | 1 | |
Swiss National Museum | The Coin Cabinet of the Swiss National Museum houses the largest numismatic collection in Switzerland. The focus lies
on Celtic, medieval and modern coins of Switzerland. However, the collection also includes ancient Greek and Roman coins, as well as medieval and
modern coins from all over the world. | Swiss National Museum |  | 8479 | |
Das Digitale Münzkabinett der TU Freiberg | The numismatic collection represents a part of the scientific historical holdings of the University library and includes some 16,200 coins and medals. Subjects covered are besides the modern period, the Middle ages and Antiquity. | TU Bergakademie Freiberg |  | 1862 | |
The Egypt Centre, Swansea University | The Egypt Centre is a museum of roughly 6,000 objects, which is situated on the Singleton Campus of Swansea University. The museum houses objects from Egypt and the ancient world, including Greece, Rome, Cyprus, Mesopotamia, and Nubia. The majority of the objects originate from the collection of the pharmaceutical magnate Sir Henry Wellcome (1853–1936), which was dispursed by the Wellcome trustees in 1971. | The Egypt Centre, Swansea University |  | 49 | |
The Metropolitan Museum of Art | The Roman Republican and Imperial coins of The Metropolitan Museum of Art | The Metropolitan Museum of Art | | 58 | |
British Museum | Greek and Roman coins from the British Museum | Trustees of the British Museum |  | 74914 | |
Portable Antiquities Scheme | Roman Republican and Imperial and Iron Age coins in the PAS dataset. | Trustees of the British Museum |  | 28643 | |
UCD Classical Museum : Roman Republican Coins | This collection comprises the Republican period (509 - 27 BC) coins from Roman Italy. It is a subset of the UCD Classical Museum's collection of antiquities from the
ancient Mediterranean. | University College Dublin |  | 262 | |
Heberden Coin Room, Ashmolean Museum, University of Oxford | The Heberden Coin Room (Ashmolean Museum, University of Oxford) houses a systematic and comprehensive collection of some three
hundred thousand coins and medals with particular strengths in the fields of Greek, Roman, Celtic, Byzantine, Medieval, Islamic, Indian, and Chinese
coinages. It also holds collections of paper money, tokens, jetons, and commemorative and art medals. | University of Oxford | | 2070 | |
Das Digitale Münzkabinett der Universität Augsburg | The Collection - built from 1978 onwards - features more than 2,000 ancient coins, Roman and Jewish, which are also being used for university teaching. | Universität Augsburg |  | 459 | |
Das Digitale Münzkabinett der Universität Bochum | The Numismatic Collection of History Institute of the Faculty of History of the Ruhr-University Bochum consists of more than 3,400 objects covering the whole of Antiquity, from the Archaic Age of Greece to the Byzantine period. In addition, it includes a small Late Mediaeval hoard, which was discovered in Querenburg in 1966 in the course of the construction of the University. | Universität Bochum |  | 530 | |
Das Digitale Münzkabinett der<br>Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf | The Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf (capital of the National State of North Rhine-Westfalia) holds one of the biggest and most comprehensive numismatic collections of ancient coins and medallions at University level in Germany. The core of the collection is represented by some 8,000 coins supplemented by considerable holdings of casts of coins from Asia minor of the Hellenistic (Greek) and Roman Imperial periods. | Universität Düsseldorf |  | 1290 | |
Das Digitale Münzkabinett der Universität Eichstätt | The coin collection of the chair of ancient history at the Catholic University of Eichstaett-Ingolstadt was founded in the mid-eighties. Since its establishment, the collection has been gradually expanded and missing pieces have been acquired, so that there are now 353 coins in total, that cover the range from classical Greece up to late antiquity and byzantine times. The collection contains mostly roman coins, although there are both Greek and Hellenistic coins, as well as mintages from the periphery of the Roman Empire, like Parthian and Celtic coins. The focus lies on Roman Imperial coinage, which make up the largest part of the collection, and is framed by smaller assemblages from Roman Republican times and late antiquity. Because of the lack of a proper edition, since 2013, the Eichstaett coin collection became a big part of everyday teaching at the university and contributed to various student- and research-projects, that helped systematise, edit and even exhibit several of these coins. | Universität Eichstätt |  | 330 | |
Das Digitale Münzkabinett der Universität Erlangen | The Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) owns roughly 30.000 coins and medals, ranging from Greek and Roman specimens to modern currencies. These originate from various sources, such as the collections of Gerlach, Heerdegen, Luthart, Pick, Sinugowitz, Varnhagen, Voit von Salzburg, Will, Zucker, as well as the items of the “Ilse und Ulrich Zwicker Stiftung”. The Will collection, consisting of about 12.000 pieces, and the Zwicker foundation with its approx. 11.000 objects, make roughly two thirds of the whole lot. The eldest collection was composed by Friedrich Voit von Salzburg between 1845 and 1858. The most recent accession, the objects of the “Ilse und Ulrich Zwicker Stiftung”, took place at the beginning of this century. The chronological and regional emphasis of the coins differs by each collection with a particular focus on antiquity, from the Greek and Romans until the end of the Byzantine times. | Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg |  | 128 | |
Das Digitale Münzkabinett der Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main | The coin collections of the Goethe University are located in the Institute for Archaeological Sciences, and reside partly in the Antiquities Collection of Abteilung I (Classical Archaology) and partly in the collections of Abteilung II (Archaeology and History of the Roman Provinces and the Archaeology of Coins, Money and the Economy in the Ancient World). The Antiquities Collection of the Goethe University, based at the Classical Archaeology Department of the Institute for Archaeological Sciences includes around 250 ancient coins alongside a rich collection of ancient vases, glass, lamps, terracottas and other objects. Roman coins form the focus of the coin collection, supplemented by a small number of Greek, Jewish, medieval and modern coins. The coins are regularly used in teaching as study objects, especially for iconographic questions, but also for numismatic identification exercises. The largest part of the numismatic collections of Department II of the Institute for Archaeological Sciences at the Goethe University Frankfurt pertains to around 30,000 plaster cast of ancient coins, encompassing all periods of antiquity. The casts were originally made as research tools for scholars such as Konrad Kraft, Richard Delbrueck and Susanne Grunauer-von Hoerschelmann. A particular strength of the plaster cast collection is lies in the Roman Provincial Coinage. The department also owns two collections of original coins: a teaching collection of around 75 pieces, and a special collection of roman coins with countermarks, encompassing around 300 pieces. | Universität Frankfurt |  | 517 | |
Interaktiver Katalog der Münzsammlung | The Seminar of Ancient History holds more than 12,000 coins of the Roman Imperial period and Late Antiquity. Their majority originates from a collection which Herbert Nesselhaus, the former Professor of Ancient History, was able to purchase in 1961 from the Archbishopric of Freiburg. The collection had found a temporary home there some twenty years earlier: Between 1900 and 1926 the Geheimer Oberbaurat Heinrich Wefels from Erlangen built a collection of c. 14,000 coins, which he had acquired at various auctions. About 10,300 are coins of Roman emperors and an additional 2,400 represent provincial issues. Wefels focussed on the Imperial period, but did add both earlier and later coinages, too. About 950 Byzantine coins, 360 Roman Republican ones, 220 Greek issues, and 22 Celic coins bear witness to these secondary areas of interest. Although the Seminar für Alte Geschichte is not any longer able to purchase additional coins, its collection was augmented through generous donations by Herbert A. Cahn, Otto Feld and Gerold Walser. Today the collection is complemented by a scientific numismatic library, which again originates in the collector Heinrich Wefels. | Universität Freiburg |  | 10572 | |
Das Digitale Münzkabinett der Universität Greifswald | The University of Greifswald’s Academic Coin Cabinet comprises 1,200 coins and medals that date from antiquity up until the start of the 20th Century. The core collections are bracteates from the 12th/13th Centuries, coins from German territories of the early modern period and Pomeranian medals awarded for science, art, and history. Further coin collections belonging to the University of Greifswald are held as part of the Gustaf Dalman Collection (on the history of Palestine), the Victor Schultze Collection (on Christian archaeology) and in the collection of prehistoric antiquities. | Universität Greifswald |  | 126 | |
Das Digitale Münzkabinett der Universität Halle | In 1841, the United Friedrichs-University Halle-Wittenberg decided to set up an archaeological University collection. However, this project could not be implemented until 1849. In this year the first quite small archaeological gallery was opened as the first public art collection in Halle. The core of this museum was the "Münzkabinett" formed by Johann Heinrich Schulze (1687-1744), which already provided access to original coins for lectures and exercises on ancient numismatics during his life-time. By doing this Schulze became a founder of numismatic teaching at University. This core collection, the "Numophylacium Schulzianum", can thus be linked to the development of the European Enlightenment in the 18th century in Halle, and it still is preserved here today. Almost half of today’s inventory of c. 5.000 coins (a total of c. 1.400 Greek, some Byzantine, and Oriental coins, the remaining two thirds are Roman) originates from Schulze’s collection. | Universität Halle |  | 78 | |
Das Digitale Münzkabinett<br>der Universität Heidelberg | The Seminar für Alte Geschichte und Epigraphik of Heidelberg University together with the Institut Klassische Archäologie holds a collection of more than 4,000 Greek and Roman coins. The collection dates back to Georg Friedrich Kreutzer (1771-1858) and grew with later purchases and donations. From the beginning, the collection was conceived to be used for teaching purposes, highlighting the history of coinage from its origins in ancient Greece down to Late Antiquity. | Universität Heidelberg |  | 221 | |
Das Digitale Münzkabinett<br>der Antikensammlung zu Kiel | The Coin collection of Kiel University is kept by two institutions: The Antikensammlung of the University of Kiel holds a collection of circa 1,100 Greek and Roman coins, housed in the Kunsthalle zu Kiel. The collection for the most part originates from donations of the Danish king Christian VIII Friedrich (1786–1848) as well as acquisitions by Peter Wilhelm Forchhammer (1801–1894), professor of Classical Archaeology in Kiel, later supplemented by further purchases and donations. Roman Imperial coinage constitutes the vast majority of the collection, that was conceived to be used for teaching purposes and today is occasionally incorporated into the seminars of Classical Archaeology in Kiel. Only a few years ago, the Institute of Classical Studies at Kiel University (Department of Ancient History) started to compile a small numismatic collection. Currently, it comprises nearly 80 ancient (mainly Roman) coins. | Universität Kiel |  | 309 | |
Das Digitale Münzkabinett der Universität Konstanz | Since 2009 the University of Konstanz houses a small collection of ancient coins, all donated by private sponsors. The focus lies on coins from late antiquity, but some of the ca. 150 objects derive from the early and higher Roman Empire as well. The collection is used for teaching purposes in particular. | Universität Konstanz |  | 78 | |
Das Digitale Münzkabinett des Historischen Instituts, Abt. Alte Geschichte, und des Instituts für Altertumskunde, Abt. Byzantinistik | The collection currently holds c. 1,150 coins, mainly of the Roman Imperial period (Republic 72, Principate 517, Late Antiquity 104), plus a number of Provincial issues of the Roman period (93), and some Celtic, Germanic, and other Greek coins. In 2008, 22 Late Roman coins and 285 Byzantine ones of the Krengel collection were purchased. | Universität Köln |  | 910 | |
Das Digitale Münzkabinett der Universität Mannheim | The Coin Collection of the Chair for Ancient History at Mannheim University goes back to donations by the late Prof Dr Elfriede Höhn and Prof Dr Heinrich Chantraine. The collection consists of 126 ancient, predominantly Roman coins. Thanks to the special interest of Prof Höhn, the collection has a strong emphasis on portraits of imperial women. | Universität Mannheim |  | 101 | |
Das Digitale Münzkabinett der Universität Münster | The coin collection of the Archaelogical Museum of Münster University consists of more than 5,500 objects covering all historical periods in antiquity: Greek coins (of the archaic, classical and hellenistic periods), coins of the Roman Republic and empire, Civic and provincial coins of the Imperial period, and Byzantine ones. | Universität Münster |  | 784 | |
Das Digitale Münzkabinett der Universität Passau | The Numismatic Collection of the Professorship for Ancient History at the University of Passau contains 377 coins, covering nearly the whole of ancient Numismatic History, from the Archaic Age of Greece to Late Antiquity and the Byzantine Age, with a focus on the coins of the Roman emperors. The beginning of the collection is connected with Prof. Dr. H. Wolff, who was holder of the chair for Ancient History from 1980 to 2006. His successor, Prof. Dr. O. Stoll (since 2007), was able to purchase and acquire additional coins, so that the collection reached its contemporary content in 2015. The Professorship is – due to missing financial aid by the university – not able to purchase additional coins. | Universität Passau |  | 219 | |
Das Digitale Münzkabinett der Universität Rostock | The Academic Coin Cabinet of the University of Rostock was founded in the year 1794, at the instigation of the outstanding orientalist Oluf Gerhard Tychsen (1734–1815) and the Grand Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Friedrich Franz II. Thanks to the legacy built by Tychsen, complemented with numerous later acquisitions, Baron Erhard von Nettelbladt (1792–1663), responsible for the Cabinet as the librarian of the University, was able to enlarge the collection from 6’500 to no less than 27’000 entries. Several inventory settlements and many losses caused by World War II resulted in the dissolution of the Coin Cabinet in 1944. Consequently, the section containing the Ancient, Byzantine and Oriental coins, as well as a number of modern coins, were assigned to the corpus of the Archaeological Collection of Rostock University. The Archaeological Collection of Rostock University has its seat at the Heinrich-Schliemann-Institute for Ancient Studies. It can be described as a typical academic research and study collection, mostly used for academic teaching. Moreover, there are permanent exhibition rooms, opened to the public once per week. Apart from the coins, the collection contains archaeological objects of the Egyptian, Greek and Roman periods, as well as a number of plaster casts of Greek and Roman sculptures. In 2008 the collection was significantly increased, as the inventory of the Collection of Antiquities of Greifswald University was added, which by that time was given over as a permanent loan. To date, the collection of coins consists of c. 4’000 Ancient and Byzantine, c. 800 Oriental and c. 4’500 modern coins and medals. In addition, there is a small but rather important collection of fish glue casts taken in the time of Tychsen from a number of Islamic coins. A small part of the coin collection is integrated into the permanent collection open to the public. The coins kept in the deposit are mainly used for academic teaching. They offer the opportunity to learn and practice the methods of numismatics by using original objects. Furthermore, the coins are regularly used in the context of workshops held by the working group ‘School & Museum’. Up to date, only the Roman and Byzantine coins have been investigated scientifically. These coins were published by Silke Burmeister in 1999. Since 2019 we are adding, to begin with, the data of c. 900 Greek and Roman coins to the NUMiD database. More will follow. | Universität Rostock |  | 435 | |
Das Digitale Münzkabinett der Universität Trier | In 2017 Karl-Heinz Zimmer, a water engineer based in Trier, donated his collection of ancient coins to Trier University. This collection, which is now kept with the departement of Ancient History, consists of a total of 515 coins. It was built over several decades and in cooperation with local cultural heritage authorities. The collection does have a local focus, as most of the coins had been struck in the Roman mint of ancient Trier and/or were found in Trier proper, respectively. Many coins hence do have a known findspot; remarkable e.g. are many coins found at the Roman bridge in Trier (Moselbrücke) or those deposited at the Trierweiler temple. The collections thus does not only provide an imporatent teaching tool during University courses, but does represent scientific value in its own right. | Universität Trier |  | 352 | |
Das Digitale Münzkabinett des Instituts für Klassische Archäologie | With over 20,000 objects, the coin collection of the Institute of Classical Archaeology at the University of Tübingen is among the largest university collections of ancient coins in Germany; it is also one of the oldest, its history spanning more than 220 years. Today, the collection contains c. 8,000 Greek, 7,000 Roman, 2,000 Modern coins, and more than 3,000 medals and various other numismatic objects. The collection is made up by three major bequests: Tux (1798), von Schäffer (1888), and Hommel (1975). As such, it mirrors the history of coin collecting from the late Baroque period to the twentieth century. The most prestigious items of the collection are on permanent display at the Museum of the University of Tübingen MUT Alte Kulturen. | Universität Tübingen |  | 1350 | |
Das Digitale Münzkabinett des Instituts für Numismatik und Geldgeschichte | The Department of Numismatics and Monetary History at the University of Vienna is the only autonomous university department of this orientation in Europe. At the same time, it is the only place where it is possible to study the subject of numismatics and monetary history in its full methodological and technical variety, covering all eras from antiquity to the modern period. Due to its expertise on coins, medals, monetary symbols and monetary equivalents covering all periods and cultures, as well as the associated political, economic, social and cultural questions, the field of numismatics and monetary history is firmly established in numerous key research areas of the Faculty. Furthermore, it significantly contributes to the basic research profile of the University of Vienna, especially in the fields of classical studies and medieval research. The range of courses extends from extension curricula for students in bachelor’s programmes to a doctoral programme in numismatics. The Department offers around 30 hours of numismatic teaching per week, and provides various networking opportunities, as well as useful complimentary courses for almost all degree programmes. Through its extensive study collection, specialised library, catalogue collection and the “Numismatische Zentralkartei” (NZK, numismatic central catalogue) – including around 1.5 million coins documented in photographs - the Department offers working opportunities that are unique in the world and that international academics regularly make use of. The Department has an extensive national and international network with all institutions working in the field of numismatics – not least through its graduates. In many ways, the Department’s influence extends beyond the University and academia. The Department regularly offers summer schools that are targeted at international early stage researchers. | Universität Wien |  | 1341 | |
Das Digitale Münzkabinett der Universität Würzburg | The Coin cabinet in the Martin von Wagner Museum (Würzburg University Museum). The Julius-Maximilians-University of Würzburg (JMU) holds about 1.200 coins, medals and para-numismatic objects from the 7th BCE to modern times with a focus on Greek and Roman coins. Due to the near complete destruction in World War II the coin cabinet in the Martin von Wagner Museum (MvW) is mainly build by donations after 1945 and by a few selected acquisitions. The most important of those donations is the Coll. H. Wellhöfer – c. 400 classical Greek coins with an emphasis on iconography and aesthetics. | Universität Würzburg |  | 338 | |