Chalcidian League (en), Κοινό των Χαλκιδέων (el), Liga Calcídica (es), Lega calcidica (it), Ligue chalcidienne (fr)Additional labels
Халкидски съюз (bg), Lliga Calcídica (ca), הליגה הכלקידיקית (he), Liga Kalkidiki (id), カルキディア同盟 (ja), Chalkidikė (lt), Халкидский союз (ru), Халкидички савез (sr)
The Chalcidian League, also referred to as the Olynthians or the Chalcidians in Thrace to distinguish them from the Chalcidians
in Euboea, was a federal state that existed on the Chalcidice peninsula, on the shores of the northwest Aegean Sea, from around
430 BCE until it was destroyed by Philip II of Macedon in 348 BCE.