Ariarathes VI (en), Ariarathe VI (fr), Ariarates VI (es), Ariarate VI di Cappadocia (it), Ariarathes VI. Epiphanes Philopator (de), Αριαράθης Στ' της Καππαδοκίας (el)Additional labels
Ariarathes VI (af), Арыярат VI (be), Ариарат VI (bg), Ariarates VI (ca), Ariarathes 6. af Kappadokien (da), Ariarates VI.a (eu), Ariarathes VI (fi), אריארתס השישי (he), Ariarathes VI (id), Ariarathes VI of Cappadocia (nl), Ariarates VI Epifanes Filopator (pl), Ariarate VI (pt), Ариарат VI (ru), Arijarat VI od Kapadokije (sh), Аріарат VI (uk), Ariarathes VI của Cappadocia (vi), 阿里阿拉特六世 (zh)
Ariarathes VI Epiphanes Philopator ("God Manifest, Father-loving") ruled the kingdom of Cappadocia between c. 130 and 116
BC. He was the youngest of the six sons of Ariarates V and Nysa and the only one to survive the plotting of his murderous
mother. He swept to power during a popular uprising that overthrew Nysa, but he was a weak ruler and became a virtual puppet
of Mithradates V of Pontus. As he grew older, he was increasingly disinclined to accept Pontic interference in the affairs
of his kingdom. He was subsequently assassinated in 116 BC by a Cappadocian noble at the instigation of Mithradates VI of