Alexander II Zabinas (en), Alexander II. Zabinas (de), Alessandro II Zabina (it), Alejandro II Zabinas (es), Alexandre II Zabinas (fr), Αλέξανδρος Β' Ζαβίνας (el)Additional labels
الكسندر زابيناس (ar), Аляксандр II Забіна (be), Александър II Забинас (bg), Alexandre II Zabinas (ca), Alexander 2. Zabinas af Seleukideriget (da), Alexandros II Zabinas (et), الکساندر دوم (fa), Aleksanteri II Zabinas (fi), II. Alexandrosz szeleukida uralkodó (hu), Alexander II Zabinas (la), Aleksander II Zabinas (nb), Alexander II Zabinas (nl), Aleksander II Zabinas (no), Aleksander II Zabinas (pl), Alexandre Zabinas (pt), Александр II Забина (ru), Aleksandar II Zabinas (sh), Александар II Забин (sr), Alexander II Zabinas (sv), Александр II Забіна (uk), Alexandros II Zabinas (vi)
Alexander II Zabinas (Greek Ἀλέξανδρoς Zαβίνας), ruler of the Greek Seleucid kingdom, was a counter-king who emerged in the
chaos following the Seleucidian loss of Mesopotamia to the Parthians. Zabinas was a false Seleucid who claimed to be an adoptive
son of Antiochus VII Sidetes, but in fact seems to have been the son of an Egyptian merchant named Protarchus.