House of Thierstein (Family, Concept)

Canonical URI:


Preferred Label
House of Thierstein (en), Herren von Thierstein (de), Famille de Thierstein (fr), Casa di Thierstein (it)
Alternate Label
Herren von Homberg (de)
Alternate Label
House of Homberg (en)
Alternate Label
Famille de Homberg (fr)
Alternate Label
Casa di Homberg (it)


The House of Thierstein (also Homberg) was a noble family of medieval Switzerland; they had the title of count from late 11th to early 16th century and ruled over much of what is now northwestern Switzerland, including parts of the cantons of Aargau, Bern, Solothurn and Basel-Landschaft. As advocati of the diocese of Basel and counts in Sisgau, they belonged to the higher imperial nobility.

Data Provenance
