House of Damalas (Family, Concept)

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House of Damalas (en), Damaliden (de), Maison de Damalet (fr), Casa di Damalà (it), Casa de Damalà (es)


The House of Damalas (Greek: Δαμαλάς) is a Genoese-Byzantine noble House established in the late 15th century, with roots originating from the island of Chios during the Genoese occupation.Created as a result of intermarriages among the Imperial House of Palaiologos with the Genoese noble House of Zaccaria. There is also an unrelated Byzantine family named Damalas/Damalis, which is seen as early as 1230 in the Thracesian Theme of the Eastern Roman Empire. Descendants of this unrelated family were also settled in Chios as well as Kos.

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