Aurelius Severus Agathemeros (the younger), Strategos in Cyzicus/Mysia during the reign of Philip the Arab. His name appears
on coins in combination with his title of Strategos, e.g. BMC Mysia 57 no. 274; H. Bloesch, Griechische Münzen in Winterthur
II (1997) no. 2573. Lit.: H. Halfmann, Hymnoden von Asia in Kyzikos, in: Mysische Studien, AMS 1 (1990) pp. 22-23; W. Leschhorn,
Lexikon der Aufschriften auf griechischen Münzen II (2009) p. 278 s. v. Agathemeros (AD 244-249); Th. Corsten (ed.), Lexicon
of Greek Personal Names V A. Coastal Asia Minor (2010) p. 2 s. v. Agathemeros (no. 17) (AD 244-249).