Strategos and Asiarch in Cyzicus/Mysia c. AD 184-190. His name appears on coins issued with the portrait of Commodus and of
the civic deity Kore Soteira) and always with a combintion of both his offices: RPC IV,2 (online) Temp. nos. 742, 754-755,
9167, and 11243 (c. AD 184-190). Lit.: W. Leschhorn, Lexikon der Aufschriften auf griechischen Münzen II (2009) p. 668 s.
v. Meidias (c. AD 177-192); Th. Corsten, Lexicon of Greek Personal Names V A. Coastal Asia Minor (2010) p. 287 s. v. Meidias
(no. 37) (AD 177-192).