Aurelius Gaios (Person, Concept)

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Aurelius Gaios (en)


Strategos in Adramyteum (Mysia). His name appears on coins issued under Severus Alexander, either with the addition of "Β" and/or ΝΕ(ος) (bothe indicating "the younger"). Instead of the single "B" several coins show a monogramm probably meaning "TO B" for being strategos for the second time. For the coins see H. von Fritze, Die antiken Münzen Mysiens (1913); pp. 54-56 nos. 161-168; J. Stauber, Die Bucht von Adramytteion, Inschriften griechischer Städte aus Kleinasien 51 (1996) pp. 190, 231 no. 230 and p. 232 nos. 234-243; RPC VI temp. nos. 4130-4134 (222-235 AD); for the name W. Leschhorn, Lexikon der Aufschriften auf griechischen Münzen II (2009) 413 s. v. Gaios (222-235 AD); Th. Corsten, Lexicon of Greek Personal Names V A. Coastal Asia Minor (2010) p. 106 s. v. Gaios (no. 140) (222-225 AD).

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