Second magistrate attested in Athens in 121/120 BC. Probably from Sypalettos (the name is only attested here). No Cappadocian
king, but Athenian citizen. Dedicated a statue of the philosopher Karneades on the Athenan agora (IG II 2. ed. 3781): See
M. Thompson, The New Style Silver Coinage of Athens (1961) nos. 503, 508-523, 506 (drachm), 507 (hemidrachm) / issue 43 (pp.
552-553); C. Habicht, Zu den Münzmagistraten der Silberprägung des Neuen Stils, Chiron 21, 1991, pp. 5 and 8 (122/121 BC);
Prosopographia Attica 1608; P. M. Fraser – E. Matthews, A Lexicon of Greek Personal Names II Attica (1994) p. 50 s. v. Ariarathes,
no. 3; H. B. Mattingly, NC 157, 1997, p. 258 and W. Leschhorn, Lexikon der Aufschriften auf griechischen Münzen II (2009)
p. 350 s. v. Ariarathes (121/120 BC).