Second magistrate attested in Athens in 128/127 BC [issue 37: ΗΛΙ]. Then attested as third magistrate in 126/125 BC [issue
39: ΗΛΙΟΔΩ for tetradrachms and ΗΛΙ für drachm]: See M. Thompson, The New Style Silver Coinage of Athens (1961) nos. 418,
421-428, 411 (drachm) and nos. 449-450, 459 (drachm) / issues 37 and 39 (p. 567); C. Habicht, Zu den Münzmagistraten der Silberprägung
des Neuen Stils, Chiron 21, 1991, p. 5 (128/127 and 126/125 BC); Prosopographia Attica 6405; P. M. Fraser – E. Matthews, A
Lexicon of Greek Personal Names II Attica (1994) p. 203 s. v. Heliodoros, no. 7; W. Leschhorn, Lexikon der Aufschriften auf
griechischen Münzen II (2009) p. 529 f. s. v. Heli- and Heliodoros.