Third magistrate attested in Athens in 96/95 BC [Thompson issue 69]. Afterwards he is attested as second magistrate three
times, every time in company with Xenokles as first magistrate), so in 95/94 BC [Thompson issue 70], in 92/91 BC [Thompson
issue 73], and in 90/89 BC [Thompson issue 73]: See M. Thompson, The New Style Silver Coinage of Athens (1961) nos. 1010-1012,
1014 (drachm), nos. 1013-1014, 1016-1031, nos. 1064, 1066-1109, and nos. 1110-1124 / issues 69, 70 and 73 (p. 555); C. Habicht,
Zu den Münzmagistraten der Silberprägung des Neuen Stils, Chiron 21, 1991, pp. 6 and 22 (who splits Thompson's issue 73 in
two seperate issues 73 and 75 and dates the issues 96/95, 95/94, 92/91 and 90/89 BC [issues 69, 70, 73 and 75]); Prosopographia
Attica 2237; P. M. Fraser – E. Matthews, A Lexicon of Greek Personal Names II Attica (1994) p. 64 s. v. Armoxenos, no. 2;
W. Leschhorn, Lexikon der Aufschriften auf griechischen Münzen II (2009) p. 364 s. v. Armoxenos.