Ariarathes IX (en), Ariarathe IX (fr), Ariarates IX (es), Ariarate IX di Cappadocia (it), Ariarathes IX. (de), Αριαράθης Θ΄ της Καππαδοκίας (el)Additional labels
Ariarathes IX (af), Арыярат IX (be), Ariarates IX (ca), Ariarates IX.a (eu), Ariarathes IX (fi), アリアラテス9世 (ja), Ariarathes IX Eusebes Philopator (la), Ariarathes IX of Cappadocia (nl), Ariarates IX Eusebes Filopator (pl), Ariarate (pt), Arijarat IX od Kapadokije (sh), Аріарат IX (uk), Ariarathes IX của Cappadocia (vi)
Ariarathes IX Eusebes Philopator ("Pious, Father-loving"), the nine-year-old son of Mithradates VI of Pontus, was placed on
the throne of Cappadocia in c. 100 BC to serve as his father's puppet. He was deeply unpopular with the Cappadocians and was
soon driven out by Ariarathes VIII. The superior forces of Mithradates VI restored Ariarathes IX to power in c. 95 BC, only
to have him immediately deposed by the Romans. He was restored several times between 95 and 85 BC in opposition to the Roman-supported
Ariobarzanes I. Mithradates VI removed Ariarathes IX from the Cappadocian throne in 85 BC under the peace terms that ended
the First Mithradatic War (89-85 BC).