Nomisma Contributions


This is a partial list of 25 of 109 IDs created or updated by this editor ( Download list):

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Label Spreadsheet Date
Authenticity Unknown Instances of authenticity from the Swiss Coin Finds database. 23 May 2022
Official Instances of authenticity from the Swiss Coin Finds database. 23 May 2022
Modern Imitation Instances of authenticity from the Swiss Coin Finds database. 23 May 2022
Contemporary Imitation Instances of authenticity from the Swiss Coin Finds database. 23 May 2022
Pecked Secondary modifications made to numismatic objects after their original production 7 July 2020
Punched Secondary modifications made to numismatic objects after their original production 7 July 2020
Clipped Secondary modifications made to numismatic objects after their original production 7 July 2020
Nicked Secondary modifications made to numismatic objects after their original production 7 July 2020
Silvered Secondary modifications made to numismatic objects after their original production 7 July 2020
Burned Secondary modifications made to numismatic objects after their original production 7 July 2020
Quartered Secondary modifications made to numismatic objects after their original production 7 July 2020
Mounted Secondary modifications made to numismatic objects after their original production 7 July 2020
Fragmented Secondary modifications made to numismatic objects after their original production 7 July 2020
Rivetted Secondary modifications made to numismatic objects after their original production 7 July 2020
Repaired Secondary modifications made to numismatic objects after their original production 7 July 2020
Pierced Secondary modifications made to numismatic objects after their original production 7 July 2020
Bent Secondary modifications made to numismatic objects after their original production 7 July 2020
Suspension loop Secondary modifications made to numismatic objects after their original production 7 July 2020
Cut Secondary modifications made to numismatic objects after their original production 7 July 2020
Chop mark Secondary modifications made to numismatic objects after their original production 7 July 2020
Hammered rim Secondary modifications made to numismatic objects after their original production 7 July 2020
Graffito Secondary modifications made to numismatic objects after their original production 7 July 2020
Countermark Secondary modifications made to numismatic objects after their original production 7 July 2020
Halved Secondary modifications made to numismatic objects after their original production 7 July 2020
Defaced Secondary modifications made to numismatic objects after their original production 7 July 2020