Heinrich Roth (Person, Concept)

Canonical URI: http://nomisma.org/id/heinrich_roth_dorsten


Preferred Label
Heinrich Roth (en)
Alternate Label
Heinrich Kühte (de)
Alternate Label
Heinrich Roth gen. Kühte (de)


Roth was responsible for the production of low quality gelders in Dorsten (where Roth was known as Kühte), said to have been struck in the cellar of his house. In 1662, at the request of the Prince-Elector, Roth struck small coin denominations in Recklinghausen, notwithstanding the protestations of the Mayor and Council as Recklinghausen already had its own Mintmaster (Peter Nießmann). Lit.: Alfred Noss, Die Münzen der Erzbischöfe von Köln 1547-1794 (1925) pp. 245, 246, 247.

Data Provenance
