Nomisma Contributions


This is a partial list of 25 of 214 IDs created or updated by this editor ( Download list):

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Label Spreadsheet Date
Uncertain Mint 78 Mints for Seleucid Coins Online, as migrated to the ANS Curatorial Google Drive. 26 October 2018
Tarsus, Royal Workshop Mints for Seleucid Coins Online, as migrated to the ANS Curatorial Google Drive. 26 October 2018
Tarsus, Civic Workshop Mints for Seleucid Coins Online, as migrated to the ANS Curatorial Google Drive. 26 October 2018
Pentalpha Mint Mints for Seleucid Coins Online, as migrated to the ANS Curatorial Google Drive. 26 October 2018
Orcha Mints for Seleucid Coins Online, as migrated to the ANS Curatorial Google Drive. 26 October 2018
Marisa Mints for Seleucid Coins Online, as migrated to the ANS Curatorial Google Drive. 26 October 2018
Eros/Nike Mint Mints for Seleucid Coins Online, as migrated to the ANS Curatorial Google Drive. 26 October 2018
ΕΡ Mint Mints for Seleucid Coins Online, as migrated to the ANS Curatorial Google Drive. 26 October 2018
ΔΗ Mint Mints for Seleucid Coins Online, as migrated to the ANS Curatorial Google Drive. 26 October 2018
Antioch on the Persian Gulf Mints for Seleucid Coins Online, as migrated to the ANS Curatorial Google Drive. 26 October 2018
ΣZ Mint Mints for Seleucid Coins Online, as migrated to the ANS Curatorial Google Drive. 26 October 2018
Uncertain Mint 129 Mints for Seleucid Coins Online, as migrated to the ANS Curatorial Google Drive. 26 October 2018
Uncertain Mint 128 Mints for Seleucid Coins Online, as migrated to the ANS Curatorial Google Drive. 26 October 2018
Uncertain Mint 127 Mints for Seleucid Coins Online, as migrated to the ANS Curatorial Google Drive. 26 October 2018
Uncertain Mint 125 Mints for Seleucid Coins Online, as migrated to the ANS Curatorial Google Drive. 26 October 2018
Uncertain Mint 124 Mints for Seleucid Coins Online, as migrated to the ANS Curatorial Google Drive. 26 October 2018
Uncertain Mint 123 Mints for Seleucid Coins Online, as migrated to the ANS Curatorial Google Drive. 26 October 2018
Uncertain Mint 122 Mints for Seleucid Coins Online, as migrated to the ANS Curatorial Google Drive. 26 October 2018
Uncertain Mint 121 Mints for Seleucid Coins Online, as migrated to the ANS Curatorial Google Drive. 26 October 2018
Uncertain Mint 120 Mints for Seleucid Coins Online, as migrated to the ANS Curatorial Google Drive. 26 October 2018
Uncertain Mint 119 Mints for Seleucid Coins Online, as migrated to the ANS Curatorial Google Drive. 26 October 2018
Uncertain Mint 117 Mints for Seleucid Coins Online, as migrated to the ANS Curatorial Google Drive. 26 October 2018
Uncertain Mint 116 Mints for Seleucid Coins Online, as migrated to the ANS Curatorial Google Drive. 26 October 2018
Uncertain Mint 115 Mints for Seleucid Coins Online, as migrated to the ANS Curatorial Google Drive. 26 October 2018
Uncertain Mint 114 Mints for Seleucid Coins Online, as migrated to the ANS Curatorial Google Drive. 26 October 2018